Wednesday 25 December 2013

Available vegetables







Sunday 22 December 2013

Benefits Of Taking Fruits

Fruit are very important to carry out daily activities; a healthy body cannot survive without fruit.

However many people are still unaware about the health effects of fruits. The good news is that – fruits are loaded with fibres, water, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients and have significant chewing resistant which reduce cholesterol, slowed absorption of carbohydrate and contribute in weight loss.

A study on 9,665 Adult in U.S found that fruit intake was associated with 40 per cent lower risk of diabetes in women but there was no different in men
Another study looked at how different type of fruit affect the risk of type 2 diabetes those who consumed grapes, apple and blueberries had the lowest risk
The study that looked at fruit and vegetable separately found no risk of breast cancer. Multiple observational studies have shown that people who eat fruit and vegetable have a lower risk of many diseases.

Fruit and vegetable tend to reduce 7 per cent of heart diseases. There are also few randomized controlled trials showing that increase fruit intake can lower blood pressure, it reduce oxidative stress and improve glycemic control in diabetics.
Even thought fruits are very healthy for most people if not all, the same cannot be said for fruit juice and dry fruit, many of fruit juice in the market are not “real” fruit juice as they consist of lot of water with some sort of concentration and a whole bunch of added sugar.

How to select your fruit

Select fruit that is fresh, bright in colour and flavour and feel heavy in your hands. Look carefully for blemishes, spot molds and signs of insecticide spray; buy a whole fruit instead of section of them for example by a small size watermelon instead of a section of big size of melon.
After selecting your fruit try to wash them immediately after shopping. Rinse them with salt water for few minutes and then wash in cool running water until you are satisfied with complete cleanliness. It is recommended to eat at least 2-3 serving fresh fruit every day.

At the end, fruits are real foods. They are highly nutritious and so eating fruits can help you feel more satisfied with less food.

Copied on The Nation News.

@CHIF;  We produce and supply all kind of vegetables and fruits. Visit us today and enjoy this season with our healthy fruity & veges.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Saturday 30 November 2013

Health benefits of green peas and green beans

  • Green peas are one of the most nutritious leguminous vegetables, rich in health benefiting phyto-nutrients, minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants. 
  • Peas are relatively low in calories on comparison with beans, and cowpeas. 100 g of green peas provide only 81 calories, and no cholesterol. Nonetheless, the legumes are a good source of proteins, and soluble as well as insoluble fiber.
  • Fresh pea pods are excellent source of folic acid. 100 g provides 65 µg or 16% of recommended daily levels of folates. Folates are B-complex vitamins required for DNA synthesis inside the cell. Well established research studies suggest that adequate folate rich foods in expectant mothers would help prevent neural tube defects in the newborn babies.
  • Fresh green peas are very good in ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Contain 40 mg/100 g or 67% of daily requirement of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful natural water-soluble anti-oxidant. Vegetables rich in this vitamin helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.
  • Peas contain phytosterols especially ß-sitosterol. Studies suggest that vegetables like legumes, fruits and cereals rich in plant sterols help lower cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Garden peas are also good in vitamin K. 100 g of fresh leaves contains about 24.8 µg or about 21% of daily requirement of vitamin K-1 (phylloquinone). Vitamin K has found to have a potential role in bone mass building function by promoting osteo-trophic activity in the bone. It also has established role in Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
  • Fresh green peas also contain adequate amounts of anti-oxidants flavonoids such as carotenes, lutein and zea-xanthin as well asvitamin-A (provide 765 IU or 25.5% of RDA per 100 g). Vitamin A is an essential nutrient required for maintaining health of mucus membranes, skin and eye-sight. Further, consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
  • In addition to folates, peas are also good in many other essential B-complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamin, and pyridoxine. Furthermore, they are rich source of many minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, zinc, and manganese

    @CHIF, We supply fresh peas and green beans. Calls us today!

Saturday 23 November 2013

Tomatoes And Prostate Health

Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K. They are also a very good source of molybdenum, potassium, manganese, dietary fiber, chromium, and vitamin B1. In addition, tomatoes are a good source of vitamin B6, folate, copper, niacin, vitamin B2, magnesium, iron, pantothenic acid, phosphorous, vitamin E and protein

Tomatoes and Broccoli Team Up to Fight Prostate Cancer
Tomatoes and broccoli-two vegetables separately recognized for their cancer-fighting capabilities-are even more successful against prostate cancer when working as a team in the daily diet, shows a study published in Cancer Research.
"When tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together, we see an additive effect. We think it's because different bioactive compounds in each food work on different anti-cancer pathways.

Tomatoes and Green Tea Team Up to Prevent Prostate Cancer
Choosing to eat lycopene-rich tomatoes and regularly drink green tea may greatly reduce a man's risk of developing prostate cancer, suggests research published the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Jian L, Lee AH, et al.)

For the Most Lycopene, Use the Whole Tomato
It's well known that a high intake of tomato products is associated with lowered risk of colon and prostate cancers, a beneficial effect thought to be due to tomatoes' high content of the carotenoids, lycopene and beta-carotene.

@CHIF, We grow all kind and supply fresh, Plum, Beef and U.T.C Tomatoes.

Monday 4 November 2013

The new superfood? Carrots boost male fertility, improve sperm quality – Study

Are carrots the new sperm superfood? A study found that eating foods rich in beta-carotene can boost male fertility.

Here’s another incentive for guys to eat their fill of colorful fruits and veggies.

Researchers at Harvard University’s School of Public Health found that orange and yellow produce can increase the quantity and quality of sperm, according to a new study.

Carrots in particular were singled out for their sperm-boosting properties. These orange veggies, along with lettuce and spinach, are high in beta-carotene. Researchers found that this antioxidant improves sperm motility, or its ability to swim toward an egg, by 6.5% to 8%.

Lutein, a carotenoid or antioxidant also found in spinach and lettuce, had a similar effect on sperm motility, researchers said.

The participants with diets rich in lycopene, the chemical that gives tomatoes their red color, had lower levels of abnormally shaped sperm.

“In a population of healthy young men, carotenoid intake was associated with higher sperm motility and, in the case of lycopene, better sperm morphology,” the study says.

Researchers looked at sperm samples and diets of 189 college-age men in the Rochester, N.Y., area. The study, titled “Semen Quality in Relation to Antioxidant Intake in a Healthy Male Population,” was published in the journal Fertility and Sterility.

Posted in wpzoom Around the Web on November 3, 2013 9:13 pm

@CHIF, We supply freshly harvested carrots in packaging bags at affordable price.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Cucumbers, garden eggs best snacks for diabetics, says dietician

The dietician also recommended diet for diabetic patients.
A dietician with Wuse Hospital, Abuja, Jummai Abdul, said on Friday that garden eggs and cucumbers were the best snacks for diabetics.
Ms. Abdul told the News Agency of Nigeria in Abuja that diabetic patients suffered because they were ignorant and as such, did not know the exact diet to take.
“Patients should take all classes of nutrients including carbohydrate, protein, mineral, vitamins and vegetables such as green, pumpkin leaf, spinach, and steamed cabbage,” she said.
She, however, warned that it was important to apply limitation in the consumption of the items.
“The quantity of food to be taken by a patient depends on the Body Mass Index (IBM) of an individual and the blood sugar level.
“In most cases, the ratio of meal is 2:1; two portions of vegetable and one portion of food is ideal for patients,’’ she said.
Ms. Abdul advised that food and vegetables should be measured with standard peak milk container after cooking to obtain adequate quantity.
She also said that there should be an interval of four to five hours between each meal.
“If the patient is hungry, he should go for garden egg and cucumber which serve as the best snacks for him.
“Patients should have their breakfast at least by 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 a. m., lunch at 1.00 p.m. and dinner at 7.00 p.m.,’’ she said.
Ms. Abdul warned patients against the consumption of pastries, alcoholic and soft drinks, as well as fatty, sugary and fried foods.
She also said that other prohibited meals for diabetics include sweet fruits, sweet confectioneries and pepper soup.
Abdul recommended a little quantity of unripe paw-paw and grape which, she noted, cannot increase patient’s blood sugar level.
She stressed that treatment duration varied from individual to individual, saying that it was necessary for patients to understand what, how, when and why they should eat certain food.
“In most cases, when the sugar level of a patient drops, he must have understood the doctor well and adhered to instructions on what to do,” the dietician said.
Ms. Abdul, however, said that the patients’ health condition would improve at least in six months, if properly managed.
Copied from Premium times ;

Sunday 20 October 2013

Stop Searching for Healthy Life, it’s right next to you... Think CHIF

Stop searching for healthy life, it’s right next to you..
In this post, I am going to list in alphabetical order about the health benefits of most of the fruits and veggies that we commonly find in our grocery store. I hope this post would help to understand the health benefits of  most of the fruits and veggies. So next time, when you do grocery shopping, make sure to stack up your cart with all the veggies and fruits you had ignored all these years. The more you ignore these, the more money you would end up paying the health insurance. So lets make up our mind to include these in our daily diet and get the healthy life we all are looking for.

A. Apple“An Apple a day keeps the doctor away

  • Reduced risk of lung cancer, bladder cancer, stroke and heart disease.
  • Eating apple can prevent skin wrinkling and skin damage and hence helps to remain forever young and vibrant.
  • Flavonoids in it helps in improving lung functioning thereby reducing the incidents of coughing and breathlessness.
  • Eating an apple daily can lower cholesterol.
  • A study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.
Eating Tips:
Eat the fruit with the skin on: The skin of apple contain pectin that can help remove toxic substances from the system

A. Asparagus: “Asparagus Is Nature’s Version of Viagra”  isn’t this an awesome piece of information

  • Its minerals combined with asparagine, an active amino acid, gives the vegetable a diuretic effect and thus, helps the body get rid of excess water.
  • It is very useful in relieving premenstrual swelling and bloating. It also helps in relieving irritability, fatigue and depression.
  • The vegetable has anti-inflammatory properties and is therefore, used in the treatment of asthma, arthritis, and rheumatism.
  • Intake of adequate asparagus, in the early stages of pregnancy, helps the body fight against certain birth defects, like spina bifida (a neural tube defect).
  • Asparagus is a good anti-oxidant, a fact which makes it helpful in curing cancer, cataract and other eye problems.
  • The vegetable also helps in controlling blood sugar levels and therefore, is very beneficial for people with diabetes.
Eating Tips:
  • Drinking a little amount of asparagus juice mixed with raw honey three times a day helps to strengthen a weak heart.
  • You could eat steamed or boiled asparagus, roast in the oven, could be used in making soups, and other dishes.
  • Excessive intake of asparagus causes certain uric acid related problems, like gout and kidney stones.
  • Asparagus gives a foul odor to urine.
B. Banana: “Eating only two bananas will give you enough energy to exercise or workout for an hour and a half
  • Bananas contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol.
  • Serotonin and norepinephrine in bananas may naturally help sufferers overcome depression.
  • Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and they are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium.
  • The potassium found in bananas helps to regulate blood pressure and may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
  • Bananas also contain plenty of carbohydrates which are the body’s main source of energy. They are also easy to digest.
Eating Tips:
  • Eat just as it is, make smoothie, used in making desserts.
  • Because of their great taste, they can be  substituted for sweets and satisfy sugar cravings
B. Beetroot“Beetroot definitely beats purple Chanel Lipstick”- Quote by Thas
This vibrant and colorful veggie if consumed daily, would definitely add color to our life. This definitely beats purple Chanel  lipstick. If rubbed a slice of this on to the lips, the purple color would stay for so long that we don’t have to worry about re-applying.
  • It contains the bio active agent betaine, which supports healthy liver function. When the liver is functioning properly, fats are broken down efficiently, aiding weight loss, and preventing fatigue and nausea.
  • Drinking beetroot juice boosts your stamina and could help you exercise for up to 16% longer.
  • An excellent source of folic acid. They are a very good source of fiber, manganese and potassium. Beet greens and beetroot are a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, iron and vitamin B6.
  • Cholesterol Lowering: Beet fiber has been shown to have cholesterol lowering capabilities.
  • Antioxidants: Betacyanin is the pigment that gives beetroot its color, and has powerful antioxidant properties. Studies have demonstrated that red beet products used regularly in the diet may provide protection against certain oxidative stress-related disorders in humans.
  • Cancer Prevention: Preliminary tests suggest that beetroot ingestion can be one of the useful means to prevent lung and skin cancer. Other studies have shown that beet juice inhibits the formation of cancer causing compounds called nitrosamines.
  • It is known as natural blood building food.
  • Aphrodisiac-beet is rich in boron, our body uses boron for manufacturing the sex hormone, this increases the sexual desire
  • Skin, hair- beet is a good remedy for treating skin diseases. Boil beet root pieces in some water and use this water for treating inflammation, pimples and boils on the skin.
  • For hair- make a decoction of beetroot and mix it with some vinegar, apply this on scalp and this help you to get rid of dandruff.
Eating Tips:
  • Drink Beetroot juice.
  • Grated raw beets make a tasty addition to salads.
  • For best flavor, bake beets instead of boiling or steaming. Wrap them in foil to avoid staining.


Sunday 13 October 2013

Astonishing Benefits of Chilli Peppers


This is the plant that puts fire on your tongue and maybe even a tear in your eye when you eat spicy Mexican, simmering Szechuan, smoldering Indian, or torrid Thai food. Chili peppers belong to the family of foods bearing the Latin name Capsicum.
There are hundreds of different types of chili peppers that vary in size, shape, color, flavor and "hotness." This fleshy berry features many seeds inside a potent package that can range from less than one inch to six inches in length, and approximately one-half to one inch in diameter. Chili peppers are usually red or green in color.
Cayenne, habanero, chipotle, jalapeno, anaheim and ancho are just some of the popular varieties available. Ground chili peppers are used to make chili powder, cayenne powder and paprika. Chili peppers are used as a food and seasoning and revered for their medicinal qualities

Fight Inflammation

Chili peppers contain a substance called capsaicin, which gives peppers their characteristic pungence, producing mild to intense spice when eaten.
Capsaicin is being studied as an effective treatment for sensory nerve fiber disorders, including pain associated with arthritis, psoriasis, and diabetic neuropathy. When animals injected with a substance that causes inflammatory arthritis were fed a diet that contained capsaicin, they had delayed onset of arthritis, and also significantly reduced paw inflammation.

Natural Pain Relief

Topical capsaicin is now a recognized treatment option for osteoarthritis pain. Several review studies of pain management for diabetic neuropathy have listed the benefits of topical capsaicin to alleviate disabling pain associated with this condition.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Red chili peppers, such as cayenne, have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation, while increasing the body's ability to dissolve fibrin, a substance integral to the formation of blood clots. Cultures where hot pepper is used liberally have a much lower rate of heart attack, stroke and pulmonary embolism.
Spicing your meals with chili peppers may also protect the fats in your blood from damage by free radicals - a first step in the development of atherosclerosis. In a randomized, crossover study involving 27 healthy subjects (14 women, 13 men), eating freshly chopped chili was found to increase the resistance of blood fats, such as cholesterol and triglycerides, to oxidation (free radical injury).
After eating the chili-containing diet, the rate of oxidation (free radical damage to cholesterol and triglycerides) was significantly lower in both men and women than that seen after eating the bland diet.
In addition, after eating the chili-spiced diet, women had a longer lag time before any damage to cholesterol was seen compared to the lag time seen after eating the bland diet. In men, the chili-diet also lowered resting heart rate and increased the amount of blood reaching the heart.

Clear Congestion

Capsaicin not only reduces pain, but its peppery heat also stimulates secretions that help clear mucus from your stuffed up nose or congested lungs.

Boost Immunity

Chili peppers' bright red color signals its high content of beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A. Just two teaspoons of red chili peppers provide about 6% of the daily value for vitamin C coupled with more than 10% of the daily value for vitamin A. Often called the anti-infection vitamin, vitamin A is essential for healthy mucous membranes, which line the nasal passages, lungs, intestinal tract and urinary tract and serve as the body's first line of defense against invading pathogens.

Help Stop the Spread of Prostate Cancer

Red chili peppers' capsaicin, the compound responsible for their pungent heat, stops the spread of prostate cancer cells through a variety of mechanisms, indicates a study published in the March 15, 2006 issue of Cancer Research . Capsaicin triggers suicide in both primary types of prostate cancer cell lines, those whose growth is stimulated by male hormones and those not affected by them. In addition, capsaicin lessens the expression of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), inhibits the ability of the most potent form of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, to activate PSA, and directly inhibits PSA transcription, causing PSA levels to plummet.
The dose effective for test animals was equivalent to 400 milligrams of capsaicin, three times a week, for a man weighing about 200 pounds. After four weeks of receiving capsaicin, prostate cancer tumor growth and size decreased significantly in the animals. One warning: Excessive intake of hot chilies has been linked to stomach cancer, so don't go overboard.

Prevent Stomach Ulcers

Chili peppers have a bad--and mistaken--reputation for contributing to stomach ulcers. Not only do they not cause ulcers, they can help prevent them by killing bacteria you may have ingested, while stimulating the cells lining the stomach to secrete protective buffering juices.

Lose Weight

All that heat you feel after eating hot chili peppers takes energy--and calories to produce. Even sweet red peppers have been found to contain substances that significantly increase thermogenesis (heat production) and oxygen consumption for more than 20 minutes after they are eaten.

Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Making chili pepper a frequently enjoyed spice in your Healthiest Way of Eating could help reduce your risk of hyperinsulinemia (high blood levels of insulin)—a disorder associated with type 2 diabetes.
In a study published in the July 2006 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Australian researchers show that the amount of insulin required to lower blood sugar after a meal is reduced if the meal contains chili pepper. When chili-containing meals are a regular part of the diet, insulin requirements drop even lower.


Thursday 26 September 2013


Pumpkins are an amazing plant filled with vitamins and enzymes that can benefit the skin. Pumpkin extract contains vitamin A and alpha-hydroxy acids that serve to accelerate the skin's natural cell-producing process. Pumpkin seed oil is loaded with fatty acids and antioxidants that regulate the skin's production of oil -- this fixes both oily and dry skin problems.

Visit us today @ CHIF, We grow and supply fresh pumpkin. Think Freshness, Think Healthiness, Think CHIF.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Fighting Cancer With Garlic

We’ve all been told to take our garlic to keep colds at bay, but garlic is also great for fighting cancer! Eating it fresh is the best way to enjoy all the health benefits, but taking it in capsule or dried form is okay too. Add it to sauces, pastas, salads, casseroles, or egg omelets. Just make sure to brush before going out the door!

Call us @CHIF, We farm and supply fresh garlic to any part of Nigeria.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Remain Healthy!

Remain healthy, take lemon, watermelon and cucumber juice.
It's so refreshing served on ice.

The cooling qualities of watermelon make it ideal for a quick and easy 3-Day Summer Detox. Cleansing with watermelon is easy to do, delicious and extremely effective. The watermelon is a whole body cleanser. It has positive effects on the kidney, bladder, heart, stomach, colon, liver and more! I especially emphasize the benefits derived from this cleanse on the kidneys.


Juice lemons and pour lemon juice in a pitcher. Add the eight cups of water, sugar, watermelon and cucumber and stir well. If you're patient enough to let it sit overnight in refrigerator, it is extra amazing, refreshing and cleansing the next morning.

Sources: The Nation. Thursday, 09. 2013.


Friday 6 September 2013

Mint; Natural Skin Care

Taking good care of your skin is an often-neglected part of healthy living. The skin is the largest organ in the body and it needs to be properly treated. While you might be tempted to reach for the harsh chemicals, try using these natural skin care remedies instead!
Menthol is a common ingredient in skin care products due to its cool touch and cleansing properties. The mint plant is a natural source of this chemical, and it can be used for a couple different purposes. One simple method is to apply mint juice on your face for the treatment of acne. You can also mash mint leaves into a paste, dilute the solution, and apply it to your entire body for a soothing feel.
@CHIF, we farm and supply fresh mint to shops and hotels.

Saturday 31 August 2013


Ever wondered why some recipes call for a particular kind of onion and whether another can be substituted in its place? We certainly have.
All these onions vary slightly in flavor, texture, and color, but can usually be substituted for one another. In terms of cooking, they will all behave the same in the pan.
When buying onions, go for ones that feel heavy in your hand and firm. Avoid soft onions or ones that have a sharp oniony odor before peeling. These are indications that the onion is old. Except for sweet onions, all these onions can be stored for several weeks in a cool, dark pantry or cupboard.
Yellow Onions - We consider this the all-purpose onion, and personally, it's the one we use most often. Yellow onions have a nice balance of astringency and sweet in their flavor, becoming sweeter the longer they cook. They are usually fist-sized with fairly a fairly tough outer skin and meaty layers. Spanish onions are a particular kind of yellow onion and we find them to be slightly sweeter and more delicate in flavor.
White Onions - These onions tend to have a sharper and more pungent flavor than yellow onions. They also tend to be more tender and have a thinner, more papery skin. They can be cooked just like yellow onions, but we also like them minced and added to raw salsas 

Sweet Onions - Walla Walla and Vidalia are the most common kinds of sweet onions. These onions lack the sharp, astringent taste of other onions and really do taste sweet. They are fantastic thinly sliced and served in salads or on top of sandwiches. They can range in color from white to yellow and often have a flattened or squashed appearance. Sweet onions tend to be more perishable and should be store in the refrigerator.
Red Onions - With their deep purple outer skin and reddish flesh, these are really the odd-guys out in the onion family. They are fairly similar to yellow onions in flavor, though their layers are slightly less tender and meaty. Red onions are most often used in salads, salsas, and other raw preparations for their color and relatively mild flavor. The lovely red color becomes washed out during cooking. If you find their flavor to astringent for eating raw, try soaking them in water before serving.
Nutrients in
1.00 cup raw (160.00 grams)
Nutrient%Daily Value

 vitamin C19.7%




 vitamin B69.5%




Calories (64)3%

At CHIF, we grow all kind of Onions... Visit us today and make your order.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Vegetables That Can Help You Lose Weight

Obesity is a very serious matter and it affects millions of people worldwide. Only in the United States alone, overweight people spend billions of dollars a year on weight loss supplements and products, when they can shed pounds by making some simple, healthy and efficient diet changes. Some foods are known to speed up the weight loss process by boosting your metabolism and turning your body into a machine that burns fat for energy. Often referred to as “superfoods” given their numerous health benefits, these delicious foods are your best allies in your fight against extra pounds. Here you will find the foods that help you lose weight quickly, naturally and effortlessly;

1. Green Tea
Green tea has been used for centuries, not only for its natural slimming effect but for the high amounts of antioxidants known as “catechins”. As a matter of fact, the catechins are the active ingredients that stimulate fat burning and weight loss. One cup of green tea per day will help you lower your body mass index, but this is not all: if consumed regularly, green tea also lowers the levels of bad cholesterol, it balances the blood sugar levels (thus being ideal for diabetes sufferers) and it dramatically lowers the risk for heart disease
2. Grapefruits
Grapefruits are delicious and they are certainly a great addition to every weight loss diet, given the fact that they contain nutrients which simply force your body to convert calories into energy, rather than to store them as fat. No matter if you eat the grapefruit raw or you squeeze it into a delicious and nutritious juice, half a grapefruit a day will keep the doctor away and the extra pounds as well
3. Hot Red Pepper
The hot red pepper is certainly a spicy addition to many dishes, but few people know that spicy chili can have a significant impact on your weight. Consuming red pepper regularly will suppress your appetite and make you feel full for several hours, which means that you will reduce the number of calories you consume daily. The secret lies in the high content of capsaicin, a compound typical to red pepper that reduces hunger and prevents cravings. In addition to this, hot red pepper has several other health benefits that should not be ignored either: red pepper flakes act as natural anti-inflammatories and they are also known to reduce the risk for blood clots.
5. Lettuce
If you are on a weight loss diet, then you surely known that lowering your daily caloric intake is a vital factor in your battle against obesity.
Lettuce has less than 70 calories per pound, therefore it is by far one of the healthies and diet-friendly foods available, not to mention that it contains high amounts of manganese, folic acid and Vitamin B, all of them being essential for your immune system. Dark green lettuce is the best, especially when combined with vinaigrette and low-calorie cheese for added taste.

6. Cabbage
Cabbage can easily be turned into a culinary delight, as long as you know how to cook it. This leafy veggie is extremely rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, therefore it boosts your immune system and it also slows down the aging process. You can make a cabbage salad with vinaigrette or a delicious cabbage soup, the latter being known to help you lose weight and to lower your risk for diabetes. Cabbage and vinegar are two powerful weapons against extra pounds, so imagine what these two ingredients would do for your waistline if you combined them! Besides, cabbage also contains a compound known as sulphoraphane which is known for its anti-cancer properties.
7. Pears
We all know that fruits and veggies are great for our health, but how many of us knew that pears can actually help us lose weight given their high fiber content? As a matter of fact, one medium-sized pear contains no less than six grams of fiber, twice as more than an apple which was initially believed to be the no. 1 weight loss fruit. One or two small pears a day will help you prevent hunger and cravings, and you should lose several pounds throughout the next three months if you stick to this regimen.
To summarize, you can easily lose weight without having to resort to pills or spend a fortune on supplements, as the weight loss secret lies in our diet. The foods mentioned above have been scientifically proven to support your weight loss efforts.

At CHIF, we grow all kind of lettuce; Romain, Iceberg; Cabbage, Chinese Cabbage... Visit us today and make your order.

Saturday 17 August 2013


One of the myths children are often told is that when they eat watermelon seeds(or seeds from any other fruits) such fruits would grow in their stomach. However, recent researches have shown that the entire watermelon can be consumed, including flesh, seeds and rind. 

The seeds have in fact been found to have nutritional values.The watermelon  is a fruit with widespread appeal. As with most fruits, its seed are almost always discarded and not eaten. But, that is now a thing of the past in some part of the world. 

In Asia and middle Eastern countries, watermelon seeds are collected and roasted so they can be served as snacks, In Nigeria, watermelon seeds are used in certain soups. 

Watermelon seeds have their own nutritional makeup, including proteins, fats, iron and other nutrients. Watermelon seeds are also a source of calories. For instance, in one cup (108g) of watermelon seeds, there are about 602 calories. Contrasted with one cup of brown rice, which contain only 216 calories, watermelon seeds are relatively high in the number of calories per gram or per cup. Out of the nine essential amino acids, watermelon seeds protein ranks highly in all but one- LYSINE.
Because of their sizes and hard outer coating, watermelon seeds, if not chewed or otherwise broken down  before swallowing, can easily pass through a person's digestive tract undigested. if this happens are  absorbed into the body. Therefore, watermelon seeds should be chewed before swallowing if its nutritional contentment is desired.


Friday 9 August 2013

What are in the Vegetables? And, Where are the Vegetables?

Fruits and vegetables are sources of many vitamins, minerals and other natural substances that may help protect you from chronic diseases. Some of these nutrients may also be found in other foods. Eating a balanced diet and making other lifestyle changes are key to maintaining your body's good health.
Eating fruits and vegetables of different colors gives your body a wide range of valuable nutrients, like fiber, folate, potassium, and vitamins A and C. Some examples include; carrots, Beef tomatoes, Beet Root, Broccoli, Spinach, Coloured peppers, Irish and Sweet potatoes, Coco-yam  French Beans, Sweet Corn, Plums Tomatoes, Watermelon, Onions etc
Diets rich in dietary fiber have been shown to have a number of beneficial effects including decreased risk of coronary artery disease.Excellent vegetable sources: 
navy beans, kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans, lima beans, white beans, soybeans, split peas, chick peas, black eyed peas, lentils, artichokes
Healthful diets with adequate folate may reduce a woman's risk of having a child with a brain or spinal cord defect.Excellent vegetable sources: 
black eyed peas, cooked spinach, great northern beans, asparagus
Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain a healthy blood pressure.Good fruit and vegetable sources: 
sweet potatoes, tomato paste, tomato puree, beet greens, white potatoes, white beans, lima beans, cooked greens, carrot juice, prune juice
Vitamin A
Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps to protect against infections.Excellent fruit and vegetable sources: 
sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, spinach, turnip greens, mustard greens, kale, collard greens, winter squash, cantaloupe, red peppers, Chinese cabbage
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps heal cuts and wounds and keep teeth and gums healthy.Excellent fruit and vegetable sources: 
red and green peppers, kiwi, strawberries, sweet potatoes, kale, cantaloupe, broccoli, pineapple, Brussels sprouts, oranges, mangoes, tomato juice, cauliflower

#Folate are forms of a water-soluble B vitamin. Folate occurs naturally in food.

#@ CHIF, The vegetables which are produced under hygienic greenhouse operation, We also have many spices and herbs which we can also make available for you; Curry leaf, Thyme, Mint, Rosemary, Lemonbalm, Sweet basil, Tarragon, Dill, Raddish Sweet marjoram etc We have a reputation, supplying fresh and timely is our mandate. Visit us today and make your order!!!