Sunday 30 June 2013

10 Reasons Why You Should Drink Lemon Water in the Morning

I drink lemon water first thing in the morning to kick start my digestive system. The water added to the lemon juice should be lukewarm, or as hot as I can tolerate. I decided to look into why this is recommended and after what I’ve learned, I’m thinking about making lemon water a regular habit. 

Hot Lemon Water:

1. Boosts your immune system: Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds.  They’re high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure.

2. Balances pH: Drink lemon water everyday and you’ll reduce your body’s overall acidity. Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods around. Yes, lemon has citric acid but it does not create acidity in the body once metabolized.

3. Helps with weight loss:   Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster.

4. Aids digestion:  Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials. It encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that required for digestion. Efficient digestion reduces heartburn and constipation.

5. Is a diuretic: Lemons increase the rate of urination in the body, which helps purify it. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.

6. Clears skin:  The vitamin C component helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well. It can actually be applied directly to scars to help reduce their appearance.

7. Freshens breath: Not only this, but it can help relieve tooth pain and gingivitis. The citric acid can erode tooth enamel, so you should monitor this. I admit, I’m slightly worried about it.

8. Relieves respiratory problems: Warm lemon water helps get rid of chest infections and halt those pesky coughs. It’s thought to be helpful to people with asthma and allergies too.

9. Keeps you zen: Vitamin C is one of the first things depleted when you subject your mind and body to stress. As mentioned previously, lemons are chock full of vitamin C.

10. Helps kick the coffee habit:  After I have a glass of hot lemon water, I actually don’t crave coffee in the morning. This is weird, I can’t explain it, but I’ll take it.

#Tip:  Drink your warm lemon water in coffee cups that has coffee or tea stains.  The lemon water will help remove them.

#Tip:  Grind the used lemon rinds in your garbage disposal to help deodorize it.


Wednesday 26 June 2013


“When I say vegetables, I’m talking about real, vital, hardy vegetables that inspire life, vigor, and a sense of well-being that you can feel radiate from your stomach to the crown of your head, fingertips, and toes.” 

Food comes directly from the source of all life. Because our food comes from the source of life, it gives us an opportunity to connect to the divine each and every time we place something in our mouths. To support our spiritual development, along with our physical and emotional well-being, we need to feed ourselves foods that are closest to the source as possible. These are vital essence foods, foods that are available in their appropriate season and have undergone little to no processing or chemical treatment.
Feed yourself local, seasonal produce so that you establish a connection to the earth’s rhythms and feed yourself in harmony with the seasons. When possible, purchase organic produce, grains, and free-range or hormone- and antibiotic-free animal products. Establish a relationship with the source of your food by knowing the geographical area where it was grown and who prepared or cooked it before it ends up on your kitchen table.

“Each time we feed ourselves is an opportunity to practice self-love, compassion, and reverence for our spiritual nature.”

You can improve your digestion and increase your energy just by combining the right foods together. The word digestion comes from the Latin for “separate” or “arrange.” With food combining, you assist digestion by separating and prearranging your food before you eat it. The simple rule of thumb is: the simpler the meal, the easier digestion will be. Experiment for yourself and see how you feel when you do — and do not — use the following combinations.
The graphic below shows the appropriate combinations for easiest digestion. Vegetables can be combined with other vegetables, proteins, or grains. Proteins can be combined with vegetables. Grains can be combined with vegetables. Fruits should always be eaten separately. 

Food Combining Chart

Sunday 23 June 2013

Basil Herb Nutritional Facts

The king of herbs, basil herb is one of the oldest and popular herbal plants rich in much notable health benefiting phyto-nutrients. This highly prized plant is revered as "holy herb" in many traditions all around the world.
Basil belongs to the family of Lamiaceae, of the genus: Ocimum. Its scientific name is"Ocimum basilicum."
Varieties of basil herb exist. "Mediterranean" cultivar is typically called sweet basil, has light green leaves as opposite to "Asian basil" (Ocinum sanctum) that feature large, hairy stems and stalks with pink flowers, purple or red leaves and has stronger ‘clove’ like flavor. There is also lemon basil, which has "lemon" flavor. Thai basil (O. basilicum 'Horapha') is similar in characteristics to Asian basil but features narrow, pointed, light green color leaves with a sweet licorice aroma.

Health benefits of Basil herb

  • Basil leaves contain many notable plants derived chemical compounds that are known to have disease preventing and health promoting properties.
  • Basil herb contains many polyphenolic flavonoids like orientin and vicenin. These compounds were tested in-vitro laboratory for their possible anti-oxidant protection against radiation-induced lipid per-oxidation in mouse liver.
  • Basil leaves contain much health benefiting essential oils such as eugenol, citronellol, linalool, citral, limonene and terpineol. These compounds are known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
  • The herbs' parts are very low in calories and contain no cholesterol, but are very rich source of many essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that are required for optimum health.
  • Basil herb contains exceptionally high levels of beta-carotenevitamin A,cryptoxanthin, lutein and zea-xanthin. These compounds help act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a role in aging and various disease processes.
  • Zea-xanthin, a yellow flavonoid carotenoid compound, is selectively absorbed into the retinal macula lutea where it found to filter harmful UV rays from reaching the retina. Studies suggest that common herbs, fruits, and vegetables that are rich in zea-xanthin anti-oxidant help to protect from age-related macular disease (AMRD), especially in the elderly.
  • 100 g of fresh herb leaves contain astoundingly 5275 mg or 175% of daily required doses of vitamin A. Vitamin A is known to have antioxidant properties and is essential for vision. It is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin. Consumption of natural foods rich in vitamin-A has been found to help the body protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
  • Vitamin K in basil is essential for many coagulant factors in the blood and plays a vital role in the bone strengthening function by helping mineralization process in the bones.
  • Basil herb contains a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids, which helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
  • Basil leaves are an excellent source of iron, contains 3.17 mg/100 g of fresh leaves (about 26% of RDA). Iron, being a component of hemoglobin inside the red blood cells, determines the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.

    Medicinal uses of basil herb

    • Basil leaves contain health benefiting essential oils such as eugenol, citronellol, linalool, citral, limonene, and terpineol. These compounds are known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
    • An important essential oil, eugenol has been found to have anti-inflammatory function by acting against the enzyme cycloxygenase (COX), which mediates inflammatory cascade in the body. This enzyme-inhibiting effect of the eugenol in basil makes it an important remedy for symptomatic relief in individuals with inflammatory health problems like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and inflammatory bowel conditions.
    • Oil of basil herb has also been found to have anti-infective functions by inhibiting many pathogenic bacteria like Staphylococcus, Enterococci, Shigellaand Pseudomonas.
    • Basil tea (basil water-brewed) helps relieve nausea and is thought to have mild anti-septic functions.

      Basil, is highly rich in medicinal properties. @CHIF, Call on us, we bring all kind of vegetables and spices to your home, shops and hotels.

Monday 17 June 2013

Why Fruits and Vegetables Are Important

There are so many reasons to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day:

Everyone Needs to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
A growing body of research proves that fruits and vegetables are critical to promoting good health. In fact, fruits and vegetables should be the foundation of a healthy diet. Most people to need to double the amount the amount of fruits and vegetables they eat every day.
Fruits and Vegetables Fight to Protect Your Health
Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and disease-fighting phytochemicals. Because of this, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables everyday can help reduce your risk of:
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Type II diabetes
  • Certain cancers
Fruits and Vegetables Contain Powerful Phytochemicals (fight-o-chemicals)
Fruits and vegetables have many important phytochemicals that help "fight" to protect your health. Phytochemicals are usually related to color. Fruits and vegetables of different colors — green, yellow-orange, red, blue-purple, and white — contain their own combination of phytochemicals and nutrients that work together to promote good health. Learn more about phytochemicals and the colors of health.
Fruits and Vegetables and Weight Management
Because they're low in calories and high in fiber, fruits and vegetables can help you control your weight. By eating more fruits and vegetables and fewer high-calorie foods, you'll find it much easier to control your weight.
Fruits and Vegetables and Energy
Busy lives require food that's nutritious, energizing, and easy to eat on-the-go, like fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are a natural source of energy and give the body many nutrients you need to keep going.
Source: National Cancer Institute


Sunday 9 June 2013

Spices and Herbs: Their Health Benefits

Spices and herbs are used in many different ways in the art of cooking. Interestingly, different cultures use different sets of spices and herbs to give the dishes their distinguishing taste and flavour.

Common herbs and spices may help protect against certain chronic conditions, such as cancerdiabetes, and heart disease.
Herbs, including basil and parsley, are from plants and plant parts. Spices often come from the seeds, berries, bark, or roots of plants.
Seasonings, such as cinnamon, often lead lists of commonly eaten foods with the highest levels of measured antioxidant activity.
“Studies show that many different herbs and spices offer health benefits,” says David Heber, MD, PhD, professor of medicine, and director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition. Most of the evidence exists for cinnamon, chili peppers, turmeric, garlic, oregano, basil, thyme, and rosemary, Heber tells WebMD.
Polyphenols, a type of plant compound, provide one of the main health benefits associated with herbs and spices. Polyphenols are also abundant in certain fruits and vegetables, tea, and red wine.
Certain herbs and spices curb inflammation in the body, which may give rise to heart disease and cancer. For example, antioxidants in cinnamon have been linked to lower inflammation, as well as reductions in blood glucose concentrations in people with diabetes.
Liberally seasoning your food with herbs and spices may also help if you use them in place of other flavor boosters. Seasonings may even play a part in weight control.

Some commonly used herbs and spices, which we grow and supply to anywhere in Nigeria are listed below: Mint, Curry Leaf, Lemon Balm, Turnip, Thyme, Dill, Fennel, Tarragon, Sweet Marjoram, etc 

Everyday herbs and spices may do more than enhance the flavor of food. Think CHIF, We made of more.....

Friday 7 June 2013


Our new products; herbs and spices; Visit us today and make your order.

Lemon Balm
Sweet basil

Curry leaf
Sweet Marjoram
Egg Plant 
Radish (Red/White) 

Everyday herbs and spices may do more than enhance the flavor of food. Think CHIF, We made of more.....

Sunday 2 June 2013

Top 7 Foods That Will Boost Your Immune System

You may be sabotaging your immune system without even knowing it. Proper dieting, and consuming a blend of foods, and choosing the right nutrient rich foods, are all important to ensure the immune system is very healthy, and to help keep illnesses away. When choosing foods to include in the diet, these are seven foods to boost your system for you to consider adding to the diet, to ensure proper immune health, and to get the most out of your diet, and will help you to stay as healthy as possible all the year round.

1. Garlic – There have been quite a few studies showing that garlic has antibacterial properties and antiviral properties. The garlic can also help in stimulating the production of white blood cells in the body, and it is also going to work as an antioxidant in your system. And, if you are not a fan of the strong taste, you can always mask it in to the dishes you are cooking, by chopping, dicing, and smashing the cloves, before adding them to a dish.

2. Grapefruit – The high vitamin C content in red or pink grapefruits make them essential to fighting off the common cold, or other illnesses. The rosy color is also an indicator that the fruit has a high number of bioflavanoids, and these are essential phytonutrients to your system. The high vitamin C content produces reactions in the body, and an immunity boost to your system.

3. Mushrooms – Selenium and antioxidants are highly found in button mushrooms. High vitamin B content and niacin levels, also play a role in helping to keep your system safe. Antiviral and antibacterial properties have also been noted in several studies that have been done on animals, giving yet a few more reasons to consume them in high quantities, if you are looking to protect the immune system.

4. Veggies (make them bright) – Cartenoids are very important antioxidants which aid in proper immune system function. Greens, reds, yellows, and orange, We have them in all colours for coloured sweet peppers, they are all great colors to consider when choosing vegetables; going with a variety is going to give you a variety of cartenoids, which is important to help with immune boosting capabilities. The more color and variety you can get in your diet, the better.

5. Cauliflower – Cruciferous veggies, including this, broccoli and sprouts, are high in antioxidant vitamins, which are key to helping improve overall health. Choline is also highly found in these vegetables, which helps to keep your cells properly functioning in the body, and helps support gastrointestinal health as well; this in turn keeps bacteria out of your system, meaning fewer illnesses that you are going to contract. Glutathione is also found in cauliflower, which is a powerful vitamin with high antioxidant count, and is great for warding off illnesses.

6. The acai berry – Known for its weight loss capabilities, the super food is also one that is extremely high in antioxidant levels as well. Although the fruit is not specifically linked to being an immune system aid, the very high levels of antioxidants that are found in this berry, make it one of the top choices to include in the mix, and to consume as a part of your diet, if you are trying to ward off the worst illnesses, and keep the body as healthy as possible at all times.

7. Nuts – Not only are they extremely high in protein content, they are also packed with healthy fats that are essential to a healthy diet, and they are high in Vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids, and very rich in antioxidant levels, which is a common theme among the foods that are best as immune system guards. By consuming nuts on a regular basis, you are also going to find that they can aid in fighting chronic illnesses over a period of time, especially when consumed with a healthy diet and eating plan.